Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Thunder Over Louisville

Tristan got to experience his first Thunder last Saturday night. He seemed to enjoy it. We watched from a distance so we were safe from the mobs of people & we had access to clean bathrooms - also we may have seen a ghost!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our first big trip to the park!

This is a look we get often now that those teeth are starting to come in.

oh yes they can actually match more than this

by the end of the day our poor baby was exhausted
good night sweet dreams

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Little Lions

I had to fight the boy off - he wanted to eat the cameraThis is the boy in his new outfit that his Granny got for him - it's very cute & would be great for the summer but i think he's going to grow out of it before then
I could not keep this boy still long enough for a picture yesterday afternoon - i'm suprised i got this 1 because it was mid jump
bangin' the keys
this was this morning - had to get a pic of the boy & daddy snugglin' up - this is the drill every week day morning - when i get up the boy & daddy get their snuggle & play time in usually before 7am